
Saturday 7 April 2012

Thanks and Welcome

Hi guys,
Before I go properly into my post for today, I think it only right I explain a little bit so you understand a little about me. 
As some of you will already know, I had a car accident over twelve years ago which resulted in spinal surgery in January 2000.  I now have to take meds 24/7 to control the pain and the side effects for me are alot of tiredness and a sleep habit that is 'up the creek', so to speak.  I was told I was very high risk (over 90%) of being in a wheelchair within 5 to 10years...., well in Jan of this year I passed the 12 years and I am still walking (not too far these days but I still manage a walk with the dogs now and again)!   Why am I telling you this?   Well, I know that you are all  wonderful at keeping timed daily blogs and I also would love to do that,  but unfortunately for me my meds make me very tired at the most inconvenient of times and then they keep me wide awake at night which means that I am struggling a little to plan my blogs.  So I ask of you kindly, please be alittle patient with the eratic timing of my posts.  I am trying new ways to get my body clock back in check and hopefully this will mean changes in alot of ways.   Ok, thats enough of me, I hope you will forgive my indulgence, but I though I owed you an explanation.  Now to the best bit!!

Today I would like to say a big, big welcome to everyone and thank you all so much for the wonderful words of encouragement.  For those mentioning Sue's card, she did like it and sent me a lovely welcoming and applauding email, I was over the moon.  Also, my daughter text me to say that I had another follower, Teresa and that she was number 20.  Welcome Teresa.  So,  this means I must do the first draw as promised. So I will sign off now and be back in a little while with the winner and also, I will have my next casing.  Todays card will be in honour of Becca Feeken of Amazing Paper Grace. 
Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart.
Hugs Linda x


  1. Hi Linda,
    you are a very plucky lady. To start a blog when you have such health problems. I hope you have a great response to your blog, because your cards are amazing.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  2. Hi Linda, I have just foun your blog, it's lovely :) I completley understand your health issues, I had a serious riding accident (falling off accident!!) last year, which has left me with spinal damage and I am also on meds for the pain. You are very brave to continue the way you do, very best wishes to you. I am now your 24th follower...

    big hugs Vicky x x x


I read every comment I receive because each and every one is important to me. Thank you so much for popping by and supporting me. xx